9-8-2023 “Pastor Justin Harris” (Click for Video)
Pastor Justin Harris
Life Scripture: John 3:30 “He must become greater; I must become less.…”
Married 18 years. Justin and his wife, Tonya, have two daughters and three sons.; between the ages of 9–15.
Senior Pastor
Faith Bible Church Naples FL
Jun 2016 – Present
Staff Pastor -Grace Community Church
Sun Valley, CA
Manager, Chick-fil-A Santa Clarita, CA
Associate Pastor -Parkers Chapel Free Will Baptist Church Greenville, North Carolina
Master of Divinity (M.Div.) summa cum laude The Master’s Seminary
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Pastoral Studies/Counseling cum laude
Southeastern FWB Bible College
Born Again Date
Hobbies, interests, community involvement
Weightlifting, beach, golf
Birthplace/hometown/ growing up
Greenville, NC
Random facts that nobody knows about me
Used to sing baritone in a Southern Gospel quartet
What do you like about GAP
That it keeps guys gathered around the Word of God
Personal belief about the Bible
Focus, clarity, and purpose. These are just a few of the words that define my life and ministry. My one great passion is to reflect Jesus Christ as an individual, husband, father, and pastor-preacher. I pray and work so that this single devotion to and imitation of my Lord would be the theme of my life, the epitaph on my gravestone, and the emphasis of my judgment before Christ.
My life and career have advanced toward this single end since my teens. I’ve been regularly proclaiming Christ through preaching from age 17 until now. In addition to the public proclamation of the Word, God has given me regular opportunity to influence others on a more personal basis through modeling and mentoring Christ.
Despite having been given the opportunity to serve many through my preaching and leadership, I trust the greatest evidence of this can be seen in my family and those closest to me. I intentionally work from the inside out. I want this reflection of Christ to be most clear to my wife and kids, of course, and then to my closest partners in ministry. Thus, in all my years of vocational ministry, I supplement my preaching with a strategic investment in other spiritual leaders, seeking to equip the few for greater ministry to the many.
God has granted me the privilege of representing him through the preaching of the Word and through providing leadership to the saints in ministries of all sizes. As long as the picture of Christ is clear, I don’t really care how many are looking. Even in this summary, I cannot help but confess that anything meaningful that happens in my family or ministry happens because of Christ. He is at work both to will and to accomplish his good pleasure (Phil 2:13).