5-17-2024 “Ray Jensen” (Click for Video)
My Life Verse †: Proverbs 3:5,6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight…”
Married for 27 years to his beautiful wife Mona. They each have two adult children from previous marriages and several grandchildren.
Currently serve as President of Life Relaunch.
Began his career in processed food manufacturing, then spent over 40 years as a chief contracting officer at three universities and administering business service operations at the VP level.
Bible Philosophy
The Bible is the Word of God, the
complete written expression of truth in all significant matters of life.
Hobbies, Interests & Community Involvement
I enjoy sports, reading, hiking, and good movies. I could easily become a political junkie, but I try to avoid that for health and sanity.
Graduated from Bucknell University in Pennsylvania
Likes best about GAP.
The men at the GAP are serious about their relationship with Jesus. No one appears to be concerned about positions or appearances. It’s an inviting group of guys.
Birthplace and Hometown
Born in Newark, New Jersey and grew up in Springfield, NJ.
When I became a believer
Born Again on 11/15/1976.
Random Facts
Some know that I am the author of the book, “Warrior Sons.” I am a John Maxwell certified speaker, teacher, trainer, coach, and an Eagle Scout.