2-7-2025 “Pastor John McGillicuddy” (Click for Video)
Pastor John “Johnny Mack’ McGillicuddy
Favorite Verse † from Pastor John McGillicuddy John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John Macillicuddy is the founder of House Of His Presence Ministries in southwest Florida.
John has five daughters and two sons, and 25 grandkids that know him as, “Papa”; most of them live in the area.
John came to Christ with Billy Graham. He has been in ministry for about 50 years now. He says, as a young man, he was going in a much different direction, and then the Lord just, touched me, he called me. God just called him. He said, he went off and trained in seminary in bible college. Retired from education, did 14 years at First Baptist Academy, established that school, and what a wonderful place that is.
John’s calling is to be pastor to the community. John says: “There is no denominational affiliation, it’s just a calling to follow Jesus to whomever, whenever, however.” God has called John to establish house churches; actually, ignite a movement of house churches in southwest Florida and beyond.
Bringing the presence of the Father, and Son, and the Holy Spirit into homes. And to intimate fellowship among believers of six to 12 people with enjoying the presence of God and fellowship together and in the word of God.
John says: he likes going into a home to help bring the presence of God into a home, so people understand that a church can be amazingly simple.
John says: You don’t have to have a building, you don’t have to have an organization, you don’t have to have a board. If people want all of that, then go for it. Great. A lot of good stuff has been accomplished with that, but the early church for 300 years didn’t have that, and they grew like wildfire because it was just natural and organic.
He says: Our ministry is not about big programs, big money, big money. It’s all about in the home. Just keep it simple. God’s calling me to help people to experience His presence in their home so it can just happen naturally.
John goes on: The Holy Spirit is so practical he’s talking to you all the time. And you need to assume that you’re hearing Him much better than you think you do. that’s called, faith!
Again, you need to assume that you are hearing Him much better than you think you are- He’s so practical. It’s the little things of the day where he is talking, and you know. We give Him credit; we give Him the glory
We ask our brothers to be a part of what God is doing. Please consider giving to, Pastor Johnny Mack’s ministry: House Of His Presence,
Give to this speaker: please use link below and remember to ADD THE NAME OF THE PERSON OR ENTITY to the memo line: https://www.aplos.com/aws/give/ChristianGiftingCollaborativeInc/GAP-Naples .
Godly Accounting Partners of Naples (“GAP”) through your tax-deductible gift to the Christian Gifting Collaborative (“CGC”), which is a 501(c)(3), you advance the critical mission of men’s discipleship. Thank you for your generosity!
House Of His Presence
House of His Presence is on mission to ignite a movement across Southwest Florida and beyond to bring the presence of God into homes through house churches. The movement is simple, organic and Holy Spirit led. It focuses on relationships through small groups of people gathering in homes for fellowship, teaching, prayer, Bible Study, the Lord’s Supper, and worship. Pastoral leadership nurtures growth in Christ and leads the group on mission with Christ. There are many churched and unchurched people in the community who want simple intimate fellowship in a home without reference to denominational tradition. The focus is following the Lord Jesus on mission with Him making disciples. Please partner with us!
To connect to an existing house church or find out how to start on email Pastor John at thesearchlight.2011@gmail.com
Pastor John White
My Favorite Scripture Verse †: 1 Cor. 14:26 “What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up…”
JOHN C WHITE is the host of the podcast, “Stories from the Revolution”, a spiritual entrepreneur and Co-founder of the LK10 Community with the vision of seeing “vibrant families of Jesus” in easy access of every person in every region and people group on earth.”
John is a graduate of Washington and Lee University and Fuller Seminary (MDiv). Following seminary, he served as an ordained Presbyterian pastor (EPC) in three churches over the course of 25 years in Denver, CO. In 1998, the Lord moved him out of the institutional church world and into the fledgling world of house churches. In that context, he served as a house church coach and as US Coordinator with DAWN Ministries for 6 years.
As the LK10 Vision Champion, John was the original designer of both the Church 101 Course and Leader 101. Since 2008, those Courses have been responsible for training more than 5000 people in 30 countries in the skills necessary for forming, nurturing, and reproducing vibrant families of Jesus. John can currently be found training, coaching, and facilitating live video calls and connecting with leaders around the world on the latest messaging apps.
John and his wife, Tamela, enjoy their three grandkids, playing tennis, and eating the delicious Albanian food Tamela cooks. While they have lived in Denver, CO for most of their married lives, they recently moved to Naples, FL for the warm weather and to be closer to family. They will however, still be rooting for the Denver Broncos!