10-27-2023 “Pastor Sammy Mascioli” (Click for Video)
My Favorite Scripture Verse Exodus 3:11.
Personal Experience
Married for 31 years to my wonderful godly wife, Debbie and we have four amazing kids in which 2 are married.
Professional Experience
1986-2018 Worked for the Power Company.
1991-2021 Planted a church & served as President of Deacon Board until God called me to become the Assistant Pastor, & Leader of our building committee
Bible Philosophy:
Is to be watching and ready for the return of the Lord. Study to show thyself approved in prophecy and to live out Biblical principles to honor God and be an example to the flock. Walk in humility and always be ready to give an answer.
Hobbies, Interests & Community Involvement
I was very involved in our home church I was known as the “greeter” love greeting people and making them feel welcome! I was very involved in our outreach activities and was the Chairman of our missions board. My family and I are very involved in Sandy Cove Ministries in Northeast Maryland. My wife serves on the board and my children have grown up serving and working there during their summers. We love the beach, camp, being outdoors, fellowshipping with others. I personally like to fish, hunt, and eat (because I am the Italian Meatball). Currently I enjoy the Gap and Man in the Mirror Bible Studies. Presently attending First Baptist of Naples and always available to meet and minister when called upon.
I graduated High School and went right into an apprenticeship with the Power company. I have been in training with the Lord since 3/91. God called me to become an ordained pastor in 2004.
Likes best about GAP.
Love the fellowship with all my brothers.
Birthplace and Hometown
I was born on November 4, 1963, in Hammonton, NJ.
When I became a believer
I was raised Catholic. The Holy Spirit was drawing me when I was 27 and I was born again on 3-18-91. Being on fire for the Lord, jumped right into serving and planted our church of 31+ years 9-1-91.
Random Facts
I joined the choir at our church and was given the nick name Sammy Sinatra. Favorite past time is eating “all you can eat crabs.”