10-20-2023 “Mel Goebel” (Click for Video)
My Life Verse †: Gal 2:20. “ I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Married for years to my wonderful wife, Annie, and they have three daughters. We live in Bonita Springs, FL.
2016 – Present: Life Relaunch Founder and CEO.
Prison Fellowship- USA NW Regional Director. 20 years
Founder: Daughters of Destiny Prison Ministry Inc. (female prison ministry).
Bible Philosophy
The inspired word of God, where Truth is discovered this side of heaven.
Hobbies, Interests & Community Involvement
Reading / Golf
Bachelor of Science Communications University of Nebraska.
Likes best about GAP.
Godly men developing disciples.
Birthplace and Hometown
Born in and grew up in Omaha, NE.
When I became a believer
Born Again in 3/16/1975.
Random Facts
Love reaching souls-Mel has distributed over 150,000 copies of his book, The Unseen Presence, in jails across the USA.
Since 2016, With Life Relaunch Warrior Mel and a diverse team to lead a two-day experience and share his vision for restoration and revival. Warrior Fellowship centered around a Life Relationship with Jesus and train them to engage life’s battles by spiritually fighting for their life, family, and community through the power of Jesus.
BOOKS by Mel Goebel
• “The Unseen Presence”
• “The sleepy Christian”