10-13-2023 “Pastor Dan Buentello” (Click for Video)
Life Verse †: Proverbs 3: 4-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight..”
Married for 54 years to my wonderful wife, Sandy, we have one son and one daughter, and five grandchildren.
2018 – Present: Retired
Before then, previously worked at Temple Baptist Church in Framingham, MA.
Bible Philosophy
Winning People to the Lord!
Hobbies, Interests & Community Involvement
My family and I attend North Naples Baptist Church. In addition to being a Preacher, I have played golf for over 30 years. When I was younger, I loved ice skating, football, and baseball. I’m a big Buccaneers fan!
I went to school in NY and Boston, Baptist Bible College.
Likes best about GAP
I don’t care what everyone says about them, I LOVE them!
Birthplace and Hometown
I was born in April 1950 in Detroit, Michigan.
When I became a believer
When I was born, I wasn’t expected to live because I was born with spinal meningitis. My mother prayed and prayed, and the Lord saw fit to keep me alive. As I got older and learned about my fate, when I was born. I believe the Lord had something special for me. My mom and dad were Christians.
I was saved at the age of twelve. I was, “All In” In 1971, when I surrendered to ministry. Then, Praise- the Lord revealed purpose for my life.
Random Facts
Prison ministry, halfway house ministry.
My ultimate goal in life is to finish my course and stay on track with the Lord, if I was to do it all over again, I would do it exactly the same way. No regrets.
Jesus has been the captain of my salvation, the Lord of my life, a good friend, and a great protector to me and my family. “Come quickly, Lord Jesus!”