Pastor Lee Norton – Gap Teacher

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My Life Verse 1 Corinthians 10:13″ 13 No
temptation has overtaken you except what is
common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will
not let you be tempted beyond what you can
bear. But when you are tempted, he will also
provide a way out so that you can endure it.“….
What is your favorite worship song?
“The Old Rugged Cross.”
Married to Debbie, his wife of 29 years who
recently went home to our Lord in February
2022. Has a Blended family of 5 children and 8
Career Experience
Vietnam Veteran (Army Ranger. Has taught
Bible since 1982, ordained into ministry in
1987. Moved to Naples in August 1990.

Attended Boyce Bible College 1983-1987.
Born Again Date
Born Again on 04/23/1978.
Personal belief about the Bible
2 Timothy 3:16-All Scripture is God-breathed
and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting
and training in righteousness.
Hobbies, interests, community involvement
Have served in ministry on a volunteer basis
for 33 years. Member of Hope City Church.
I enjoy facilitating two groups we call
fellowship with a purpose. I facilitate a group
at Hope City called Kingdom singles.
Birthplace/hometown/ growing up
Warren, Ohio born and raised till I went into
the Army and attended Kent University.
Graduated the day of the uprising.
Random facts that nobody knows about me
In 1973 was the National Amputee Ski Races
Championship Winner in Slalom and Giant
What do you like about GAP
Expectancy of the in-depth quality of the
What is the best advice you’ve received
throughout your walk with Jesus Christ?


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